EBA National Conference

EBA national conference

We hope you were able to attend Retail 101: Recent Developments in Competitive Energy Marketing It was a privilege to participate in a discussion recognizing the complexities and opportunities in today’s rapidly evolving energy market. This landscape requires strategic insight, industry expertise, and innovative solutions.

Partnering with P.R. Quinlan ensures you a team dedicated to helping your clients thrive in the retail energy space by providing tailored consulting services designed to address their unique needs and objectives.

We provide regular reports on new regulations and legislation impacting retail energy as well as up-to-date compliance summaries (intelligence), deliver custom research and original white papers on retail energy policy (analysis), and offer in-depth consulting in developing markets in which they want to enter or grow (insight).

Policy PluginWe’d like to offer you a complimentary one month subscription to our Policy Plugin. a customized state regulatory and legislative monitoring report in an easy-to-scan, concise format. We offer coverage of U.S. states and Canadian provinces with retail energy markets.

Please contact our Director of Operations, Suzanne Graziano-Publicover at sgraziano-publicover@prquinlan.com to set up your trial subscription or complete for the form below.

Sign up today for your trial PolicyPlugin subscription: