
What’s Lighting Up in Energy Policy

Holiday Energy Tips

Colder days cause an uptick in energy used within households. However, as the holiday season also approaches there are a myriad things people can do to save energy.

Energy saving tips during the holiday season:

  • Use LED light– according[1] to the Department of Energy, LED lights consume 75% less energy than traditional incandescent lights. Consider using LED lights when decorating the household this holiday season.  
  • Invest in ENERGY STAR appliances– upgrading to these technologies can help households transition away from fossil fuels to an eco-friendlier home. There are also ENERGY STAR tax credits[2] that provide even greater savings.  
  • Cook efficiently: there are numerous ways to save energy while cooking. For example, when using the oven, use the oven light instead of constantly opening it to check the status of a dish. 
  • Optimize shopping trips: try to limit the number of shopping trips through strategic planning of items to purchase. This also saves gas as one trip decreases the carbon dioxide emissions from your vehicle.
  • Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: know what items cannot be recycled (i.e., wrapping paper due to treatment it undergoes) and which can. This will reduce the number of supplies used every year.
  • Reduce Heat Loss from the Fireplace– when using the fireplace, reduce heat loss by closing doors leading into the room and lower the thermostat setting to 50°-55°F. Find out more techniques to improve your fireplaces efficiency here[3] . 
  • Unplug electronics before leaving town- electronics omit energy even when they are not in use. It is imperative to unplug devices before going away for the holiday season. 


[1] LED Lighting, (U.S. Department of Energy, 2023). 

[2] Federal Income Tax Credits and Incentives for Energy Efficiency, (Energy Star, 2023). 

[3] Wood and Pellet Heating (U.S. Department of Energy, 2023).